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国际信鸽联盟章程 上一篇    下一篇
作者:高原飞天鸽舍  来源:转载   阅读:  分类:收藏文章  发布时间:2010-9-7 13:10:29  



      2004-04-07 15:45:09 cln

     第一条  国际信鸽联盟(以下简称FCI)系非盈利的以慈善为本的组织,由管理所在国/地区信鸽运动的会员协会以及未成立会员协会的国家,但能够代表该国和地区信鸽运动的协会组成。
       第二条  FCI的宗旨是全面发展信鸽运动,研究与信鸽运动有关的、公众感兴趣的课题。FCI批准和管理奥林匹克大会、代表大会的组织工作,协调国际比赛和世界锦标赛的组织工作。
     FCI 的主要宗旨之一还包括加强会员国和地区之间的团结和友谊。

     第三条  FCI章程的原则如下:

    第四条  FCI的运作由以下机构管理:
    FCI 的总体管理权在于代表大会。FCI代表大会应于奥林匹克大会同时举行,并成为奥林匹克大会的一部分。奥林匹克大会由上届代表大会指定某一会员协会承办,每两年举行一次。

    第五条  为获得FCI的会籍,有关协会必须于奥林匹克大会前2个月向FCI的注册办公室提出申请。申请国和地区必须是国际奥委会的成员。

    第六条  除章程第29条规定的关于会员或代表协会拖欠会费的情况外,开除一个现任会员需得到出席法定代表大会的大多数会员的同意。

      第七条  所有代表大会于上午开幕,会期一天。

      第八条  至少半数会员希望,并有理由,可召集特别代表大会。在此种情况下,会议的地址由执委会决定。

     第九条  所有所属会员有权力向代表大会提出议案。这些议案需于奥林匹克大会开幕之日前四个月提交FCI秘书处,方可列入议程。

     第十条  代表大会如安排在奥林匹克大会期间召开并且会员所提议案及其理由业已在奥林匹克大会开幕前四个月提交了FCI秘书处,这些议案和理由将与议程一起于代表大会召开前至少一个月发送至各会员协会或者代表协会。如召开特别代表大会,这些议案和理由须于会前15天发送至各会员协会或代表协会。

      第十一条  FCI出的所有正式文件使用法语。会员协会或者代表协会在向FCI致函时可使用本国的语言或者国际上广为使用的一门语言。

    第十二条  除非出席会议的大多数代表反对,FCI代表大会是公开的。

        第十三条  投票由绝对大多数决定,即50%的有效票加1。如投票结果相等,议案将不予通过。投票可用如下方式进行:


        第十四条  出席代表大会代表具备如下条件:年满25岁,从事赛鸽事业至少五年,具有所代表国家的国籍,是所在国会员协会或者代表协会的会员并得到了他们的许可。他的主要职业不能是与赛鸽有关的盈利活动。


    第十六条  FCI的运动由执委会管理,该委员会由以下人员组成:主席、4名副主席、1名司库、1名法定秘书和最多每5个所属会员1名执委组成。

       第十七条  执委会根据在指定时间内收到的事项拟定代表大会议程。并联络正式主持奥林匹克大会的FCI主席以得到他的指示,使大会的组织顺利进行。

     第十八条  在代表大会休会期间,执委会对FCI的运作、代表大会决议的实施具有广泛的权力。该委员会将采取不与章程相悖的一切必要的措施。

     第十九条  最大程度的符合本项运动在符合FCI以及其委员协会或代表协会利益的前提下,执委会有权就任何未在章程上得到明确规定的紧急事项作出决定。

       第二十条  上述决定将在下届代表大会上进行通报。

     第二十一条  执委会一般每一年召开两次会议,具体日期由主席决定。在主席批准的前提下,如其中成员有要求,该委员会可召集会议讨论紧急事项。除行政秘书外,出席执委会会议的旅费和住宿费由各成员所在协会负担,而会议当天的餐费由FCI负担。

      第二十二条  所有执委会的会议通知需至少提前6周发出。在紧急情况下,主席有唯一的决定权,通知期可压缩。

     第二十三条  为使会议讨论切实有效,出席会议的人数应至少达到执委会成员总数的大多数。在表决结果相同时,主席有决定性的一票。

       第二十四条  在每次奥林匹克大会上应提交关于执委会和秘书处的活动的报告。

     第二十五条  执委会的成员可由其所在协会委员会的成员代替参加执委会的会议。

      第二十六条  处理日常事务是主席和行政秘书的职责。后者负责起草文件、上报主席、请主主席签字以及发送文件。行政秘书还要负责书写代表大会纪要,并保证在会议结束后的45天之内将纪要寄到各会员协会和代表协会。行政秘书必须将上述文件以及执委会的会议纪要发送至执委会成员手中。行政秘书负责FCI章程的不断更新。

    第二十七条  如所属协会在收到代表大会纪要后45天内未向行政秘书提出异议,那么,纪要则视为通过。

    第二十八条  未经FCI承认的信鸽组织的信函或文件须转至其所在国FCI的会员协会或代表协会。只有在得到了该会员协会或代表协会的回复,行政秘书才会采取进一步的行动。

     第二十九条  在FCI主席的领导下,司库和行政秘书负责会员协会或代表协会会费的收集。主席和行政秘书联合签署支票和授权书,支付FCI的开支。FCI的收支由FCI指定的银行负责。他们将根据上次代表大会的决定,将有关的文件和帐目提交审计员。审计如同意,则须在财务报告上签字。FCI的财务结算年度是2次奥林匹克大会之间的时间。

    第三十条  所属协会或代表协会不能同属于FCI执委会或代表大会认为与FCI存在竞争的联合体或团体。

    第三十一条  会员协会或代表协会的章程不得与FCI的宗旨和原则相矛盾。所有会员协会或代表协会均应按要求向FCI秘书处递交一份本会章程的复印件,以便使秘书处了解其中的任何变化。

    第三十二条  在执委会的提议下,代表大会可向有贡献人士授予荣誉会员的称号。该荣誉称号不享受特别的权利,由主席颁发FCI证书和奖章。

    第三十三条  FCI的存在没有时间限制。它的最终解散须由为此而召集的特别代表大会决定,该特别代表大会的会议通知需提前45天发出。


第一条 国际信鸽联盟(以下简称FCI)系非盈利的以慈善为本的组织,由管理所在国/地区信鸽运动的会员协会以及未成立会员协会的国家,但能够代表该国和地区信鸽运动的协会组成.
第二条 FCI的宗旨是全面发展信鸽运动,研究与信鸽运动有关的、公众感兴趣的课题。FCI批准和管理奥林匹克大会、代表大会的组织工作,协调国际比赛和世界锦标赛的组织工作。
第三条 FCI章程的原则如下:
第四条 FCI的运作由以下机构管理:
第五条 为获得FCI的会籍,有关协会必须于奥林匹克大会前两个月向FCI的注册办公室提出申请。申请国和地区必须是国际奥委会的成员。
第六条 除章程第29条规定关于会员或代表协会拖欠会费的情况外,开除一个现任会员须得到出席法定大会的大多数会员的同意。
第八条 至少半数会员希望,并有理由,可召集特别代表大会。在此种情况下,会议的地址由执委会决定。
第九条 所有所属会员有权利向代表大会提出议案。这些议案需于奥林匹克大会开幕之日前4个月提交FCI秘书处,方可列入议程。
第十条 代表大会如安排在奥林匹克大会期间召开并且会员所提议案及其理由业已在奥林匹克大会开幕前4个月提交了FCI秘书处,这些议案和理由将与议程一起于代表大会召开前至少一个月发送至委员会协会或者代表协会。如召开特别代表大会,这些议案和理由须于会前15天发送至各会员协会或代表协会。
第十二条 除非出席会议的大多数代表反对,FCI代表大会是公开的。
第十三条 投票由绝大多数决定,即50%的有效票加1。如投票结果相等,议案将不予通过。投票可用如下方式进行:
第十四条 出席代表大会代表具备如下条件:年满25岁,从事赛鸽事业至少5年,具有所代表国家的国际,是所在国会员协会或者代表协会的会员并得到了他们的许可。他的主要职业不能是与赛鸽有关的盈利活动。
第十六条 FCI的运动由执委会管理,该委员会由以下人员组成:主席、4名副主席、1名司库、1名法定秘书和最多每5个所属会员1名执委组成。
第十七条 执委会根据在指定时间内收到的事项拟定代表大会议程。并联络正式主持奥林匹克大会的FCI主席以得到他的指示,使大会的组织工作顺利进行。
第十八条 在代表大会休会期间,执委会对FCI的运作、代表大会决议的实施具有广泛的权利。该委员会将采取不与章程相悖的一切必要措施。
第十九条 最大程度地符合本项运动在符合FCI以及其委员协会或代表协会利益的前提下,执委会有权就任何未在章程上得到明确规定的紧急事项作出决定。  
     第二十条 上述决定将在下届代表大会上进行通报。
第二十三条 为使会议讨论切实有效,出席会议的人数应至少达到执委会成员总数的大多数。在表决结果相同时,主席有决定行的一票。
第二十四条 在每次奥林匹克大会上应提交关于执委会和秘书处的活动的报告。
第二十五条 执委会的成员可由其所在协会委员会的成员代替参加执委会的会议。
第二十六条 处理日常事务是主席和行政秘书的职责。后者负责起草文件、上报主席、请主席签字以及发送文件。行政秘书还要负责书写代表大会纪要,并保持在会议结束后的45天之内将纪要寄到各会员协会和代表协会。行政秘书必须将上述文件以及执委会的会议纪要发送至执委会成员手中。行政秘书负责FCI章程的不断更新。
第二十七条 如所属协会在收到代表大会纪要后45天内未向行政秘书提出异议,那么,纪要则视为通过。
第二十八条 未经FCI承认的信鸽组织的信函或文件须转至其所在国FCI的会员协会或代表协会。只有在得到了该会员协会或代表协会的回复,行政秘书彩绘采取进一步行动。
第三十条 所属协会或代表协会不能同属于FCI执委会或代表大会认为与FCI存在竞争的联合体或团体。
第三十一条 会员协会或代表协会的章程不得与FCI的宗旨和原则相矛盾。所有会员协会或代表协会均应按要求向FCI秘书处递交一份本会章程的复印件,以便使秘书处了解其中的任何变化。
第三十二条 在执委会的提议下,代表大会可向有贡献人士授予荣誉会员的称号。该荣誉称号不享受特别的权利,由主席办法FCI证书和奖章。
第三十三条 FCI的存在没有时间限制。它的最终解散须由为此而召集的特别代表大会决定,该特别代表大会的会议通知需提前45天发出。

Statutes of Federation Colombophile Internationale


Art. 1

The Federation Colombophile Internationale (hereinafter referred as “FCI”) is a non-profit association with a view to charities. It is composed of affiliation members who manage the colombophile sports in Federation Nations/Regions or representative associations which can take charge of the colombophile sports in Federation Nations/Regions that have not established association.

Headquartered in Brussels.

The affiliation members and representative associations, under the administration of FCI, should accept and undertakes to comply with the present statutes of FCI. They should undertake not to perform any juristic acts to FCI.


Art. 2

The purpose of FCI is to overall develop colombophile sports, to research subjects on colombophile sports which attract public. FCI approves and manages the organization of Olympiad Colombophiles and congress, coordinates the organization of international games and World Championships.

One of FCI’s main purposes is to strengthen the solidarity and friendship among Federation Nations and Regions.


Art. 3

      The principle of FCI Statutes is as follows:

 (1) To respect for sovereignty of affiliation members and representative associations in management on colombophile sports in Federation Nations/Regions.

 (2) To respect mutually among affiliation members and representative associations.

Organization of management

Art. 4

      FCI’s operation is managed by following organizations:

      Congress, committee director, commissions: sports, standard, veterinary, statutes, jeunesse, solidarity fund and ranking pigeons grand prix racing committee.

      The overall management right locates congress. FCI congress should be held in the same time with Olympiad Colombophiles, and become a part of the Olympiad Colombophiles. The Olympiad Colombophile is organized by a Federation Nation Member designated by the precedent congress. It is held every two years.

  The congress’ main tasks are to deal with questions of statutes, administration, sports and finance. The congress shall administer eligible elections according to the opinions of committee director, to decide whether to accept the associations or representative associations which apply for membership.

Art. 5

In order to get the quality of FCI member, the relevant associations should file an application to secretary general two months before Olympiad Colombophile. The applicant nation/region must be the member of International Olympic Committee.

The applicants need to submit a detailed report of association activities, the number of amateurs, the number of pigeons and organization, quantity and scope of racings when apply for membership.

      The applicants also need to submit two copies of association statutes and a supportive letter whi, ch h, as been signed by two federation nation members of FCI. The representative associations which meet two of the following requirements would be accepted by FCI if there is no federation association.

1) A combination of several associations formed a unique representative organization which can represent their country.

      2) The representative organization should get support of 4 federation nation members of FCI. The membership application should be attached with a written report issued by FCI member which designated by committee director. Each member of FCI shall pay subscription as stated by FCI congress.

Art. 6

      The exclusion of member should gain approval by most members according to Congress International statutes, unless the situation that members or representative associations in arrears which specified in Art. 29.

Art. 7

      All of the congress meeting will start at morning, and the meeting is scheduled to last one day.

Art. 8

      The special congress shall be held if at least half of the members claim to with reasons. In this case, the address of the congress is decided by committee director.

Art. 9

      All the members have right to submit proposals to Congress. And these proposals could be placed on the agenda only if these proposals come to FCI secretary general four months before opening day of Olympiad Colombophile.

      In the case of holding special congress, the proposal should be submitted to FCI secretary general 25 days before the special congress.

Art. 10

      If the congress will be held during the Olympiad Colombophile and the proposals and reasons from members have be submitted to FCI secretary general four months before opening day of Olympiad Colombophile, the agenda should be submitted accompanied by the proposals and reasons to the affiliation members or representative associations at least 1 month before congress. In the case of holding special congress, the proposals and reasons should be submitted to each affiliation member or representative association 15 days before special congress holding.

Art. 11

      All the official documents issued by FCI should in French. The affiliation member or representative association could send letters to FCI in native language or in language used internationally.

Art. 12

      The FCI congress is public unless majority of the member oppose it.

Art. 13

      The ballot is decided by majority, i.e. 50 percent of valid ballots plus 1. If there is an equality of votes, the agenda would not to pass. The ballots are carried by ways as following:

      (1) To call out the names of those voted for in public, call out the names of present affiliation members (Answer by the head of each delegation).

(2) To vote by a show of hands.

(3) If the majority of the present affiliation members demand, it shall hold a secret ballot. There is no limit to show on the vote.

The right of voting

 Every country or region has only one vote which belongs to the representative who attends the congress, and the country or region’s subscription shall not in arrears longer than 1 year. The amount of subscription is decided by congress. Voting in written letters is only applied for special congress, and the letters should come to secretary general in sealed envelop at least 3 days ahead of checking the votes.

The affiliation member or representative association with official representative qualification and good reputation has the right of one vote per country. New member accepted at the congress will get the right of voting at next congress.

Any affairs besides agenda can be added upon the written requirement of affiliation member or representative association so as to be decided on the congress, but such decision shall not be related to statute modification.

      Unless satisfying above conditions, the congress can not vote on affairs that are not listed in the agenda.

      The congress held during Olympiad Colombophile is authorized to establish commissions, and make decisions upon other affairs:

(1)    The place to hold next Olympiad Colombophile.

(2)    The undertaker of the World Championships.

Art. 14

Representatives of congress shall meet the following requirements: they shall have attained the age of 25 years, have thrown themselves into Colombophile sports for more than five years, have the nationality of the countries and the membership of the affiliation members or representative associations they present. Their major occupation shall not be related to profitable business.

Each association which has the rights to representation can delegate two representatives to congress or special congress. And these representatives can only represent the affiliation members or representative associations which approve them to attend the congress.

Art. 15

() The country which bids for Olympiad Colombophiles and gets approval from the congress shall be responsible for:

(1) The Olympiad Colombophiles shall be held successfully.

(2) FCI president, legal secretary, treasurer and administration secretary’s expenses occurs at local.

(3) General expenses of Olympiad Colombophiles, especially the organizing expenses, for example, the exhibition hall and meeting room rental fee (interpreters, essential equipments and banquets).

(4) Racing pigeons are not authorized to auction except for the following cases: the racing pigeon auction is held at where the Olympiad Colombophiles is undertaken or held by FCI Committee Director. The auction shall be held at the Olympiad Colombophiles. The auction incomes shall only be used on one or several welfare work or deduct the expenses of Olympiad Colombophiles. And in the latter situation, the incomes shall be divided equally between FCI and the undertaker association. Any personal profits are not allowed.

(5) Committee Director can invite former FCI presidents or commissioners. The guests bear the expense of travel and accommodation.

      Certificate and special bonus shall be granted by FCI.

      Travel and local expenses of formal representatives and judges shall be for the account of the affiliation members or representative associations they represent.

 () The country which bids for World Championship and gets approval from the congress shall be responsible for:

(1) Building a columbary to hold all the racing pigeons from FCI members, which shall be three racing pigeons per cubic meter, and installing electronic clocks approved by FCI.

(2) The race distance shall be approved by FCI and shall not be changed unless the undertaker’s application is definitely agreed by President of FCI or the representative who participate the Championship. President or his (her) representative is authorized to take part in all the concerned activities, and the relevant expense shall be for the account of the undertaker.

(3) Designating a three-day period to take over racing pigeons into the columbary. The age of racing pigeons shall be five to six months at the start day of Championship.

The first returned racing pigeon with effective record shall be the world champion. If the percentage of returned racing pigeons with effective record reaches 20%, the game is finished (or be finished by the noon of second day).

(4) FCI shall bear some expense of relevant award according to the decision of Committee Director.

(5) The racing pigeons are the property of the undertaker and FCI. If the Championship and the Olympiad Colombophile are held in the same year, the racing pigeons shall be auctioned off at the Olympiad Colombophile. Otherwise the racing pigeons shall be kept by the undertaker.

In all cases, FCI shall get 25% of the auction gains.

 () The congress shall designate the following Commissions:

Sport Commission

Standard Commission

Veterinarian Commission

Statutes Commission

Jeunesse Commission

Solidarity Fund Commission

Ranking Grand Prix Race Commission

Those Commissions consist of Commissioners from associations which are willing to participate. The President of above Commissions shall be designated by Committee Director. The travel and accommodation expenses of the Commissioners shall be for the account of the associations. Above Commissions shall present proposals to the Committee Director which shall be helpful for making effective plans to fulfill its targets. If necessary, above Commissioners shall only meet at FCI’s headquarter under the President’s requirement. In all cases, all the regulations established by above Commissions shall not be in contradiction with FCI’s Statutes.

Committee Director

Art. 16

FCI’s sports shall be managed by Committee Director which shall consist of one president, four vice-presidents, one treasurer, one legal secretary and one commissioner per five associations.

The election of Committee Director shall reflect the reasonable geography distribution. Committee Director shall elect one administration secretary with a term of two years. Administration secretary has only consultation authority. Committee Director Members shall have attained the age of 25 years, and have thrown themselves into Colombophile sports in the affiliation members and representative associations they represent for more than five years, and have the nationality of the countries they present and are designated by the associations. Any one who is engaged in racing pigeon shall not join the Committee Director. One association shall only has one person who hold a post in Committee Director (President and administration secretary are not included).

Committee Director serves two-year terms and the election shall be held at the Olympiad Colombophile or during the period. The president shall win a clear majority of the vote. If there is still an equality of votes after the second voting, the new Committee Director shall choose a president. The president shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. Committee Director Members shall be balloted by the congress and can be reelected and serve another term if they are nominated by their affiliation members or representative associations. Otherwise the appointment is invalid. If the affiliation members or representative associations which remove somebody from his post for internal reasons can appoint a new representative to assume the post in Committee Director and execute rights as a Committee Director Members and has the authority of vote till the next congress.

In all cases, the president shall represent FCI. The president shall take the chair and be in duty for the execution of statutes and regulations. The president who loses his or her rights shall be replaced by one vice-president designated by Committee Director. And if the latter loses his or her rights, the treasurer or legal secretary shall act on behalf of him or her till the next Olympiad Colombophile.

If there is an opening in the position of treasurer, Committee Director shall designate one of its commissioner to assume the position temporarily. Candidates of Committee Director shall submit nomination to secretary general four months ahead and place on the agenda of congress.

Art. 17

Committee Director shall organize the agenda of congress according to the proceedings collected in a specific period, and contact with the president who is organizing the Olympiad Colombophile for instructions to ensure the successful operation of congress.

Art. 18

      During the adjournment of congress, Committee Director shall take extensive rights on the FCI operation and execution of decisions of congress. Committee Director shall take all necessary measures which are not in contradiction with FCI’s Statutes.

Art. 19

      Committee Director is authorized to make decisions on urgent affairs which are not definitely prescribed in Statutes on the premise of conformity to this sport and the benefits of the affiliation members and representative associations.

Art. 20

      Those decisions shall be reported at the next congress.

Art. 21

      The Committee Director shall hold meetings twice a year and the date shall be determined by president. If some commissioners requires, Committee Directors can hold meetings to discuss urgent affairs if the president approves. The travel and accommodation expenses of attending meetings shall be for the account of the associations that the commissioners represent, except the administration secretary, and the meal at the meeting day shall be for the account of FCI.

Art. 22

      Notice of Committee Director meeting shall be sent at least six weeks before. In case of emergency, the notice period can be compressed only under the approval of president.

Art. 23

      In order to make effective and valid decisions, the number of commissioners attending the meetings shall reach a majority of Committee Director. If there is an equality of votes, the president is authorized to decide.

Art. 24

      The report of activity of Committee Director and secretary general shall be submitted at the Olympiad Colombophile.

Art. 25

      The commissioner of Committee Director who shall attend meetings can be replaced by other member of the association he or she represents.

Art. 26

      Dealing with daily affairs is the responsibility of the president and administration secretary. And the latter shall be responsible for drafting and reporting documents to president, and get the documents signed by president and send them out. The administration secretary shall make congress minutes and mail the minutes to affiliation members and representative associations within 45 days after the meeting. The administration secretary shall also send above documents and minutes of Committee Director meeting to its commissioners. The administration secretary shall be responsible for updating FCI statutes.

Art. 27

If the associations don’t raise an objection against the minutes within 45 days after received it from administration secretary, it shall be regarded as approved.

Art. 28

Letters or documents from homing pigeon organizations which are not recognized by FCI shall be transfer to the affiliation members or representative associations in its country. The administration secretary shall only take further action after received formal reply from the affiliation member or representative association.


Art. 29

The treasurer and administration secretary shall be responsible for collecting membership dues from affiliation members and representative associations under the leadership of the president. The president and representative associations shall cosign the cheques and power of attorney for the payment of FCI expenses. FCI’s payments shall be done via banks appointed by FCI. They will submit relevant documents and accounts to auditors according to the decisions of congress last time. The auditors shall sign on the financial report if they approve it. The financial settlement year shall be the period between two Olympiad Colombophiles.

According to the treasurer’s proposal, the financial report of current year shall be submitted to the congress for its approval. The affiliation members and representative associations which have not pay subscription for two years will receive a notice of registered letter. And if the affiliation member or representative association still has not paid subscription after three months, it shall be regarded as withdrawing from FCI.

Dispositions Generals

Art. 30

The affiliation members and representative associations shall not belong to any federations or organizations which are considered as competitor against FCI by FCI congress or Committee Director.

Art. 31

      Statutes of affiliation members and representative associations shall not be in contradiction with FCI’s tenet and principles. All the affiliation members or representative associations shall submit a copy of their statutes to FCI secretary general as required, in order to make the secretary general know its updates.

Art. 32

      According to the proposal of Committee Director, the congress can confer an honorary membership to someone who has great contribute. The honorary title will get a certificate and medal from president but has no special authority.


Art. 33

      The existence of FCI has no time limit. The final dissolution shall be decided by special congress. And the notice for this special congress shall be sent 45 days ahead.

There shall be at least two thirds of total affiliation members or representative associations attending the special congress when voting for dissolution. And it can only pass when the dissolution gains two thirds of valid ballot. If the number of members attending the meeting does not reach the quorum, there shall be a second special congress held at a proper time to take a vote for dissolution by a majority.

The special congress for FCI dissolution shall be authorized to deal with FCI’s assets.


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