Yes, I can now see English column, however, seems to me, the contents are not translated. 現在,以經可以看到用英文寫的鋼要,但是內容還不是英文 .
If you are to focus on Taiwan/China market, You might bring not as much interest as you expect from them. 如果網站只做到這個程度,可能吸引不了太多的台灣或大陸鴿友來看.
Would you mind to let me know what is your background and what resource you have and what you like to do in my part of the world. Will see if I can be of help. 您介意告訴我您的背景,您有什麼資源以及您對台灣及大路市場有什麼期望. 得到您的回應再看有何可以與您配合之處如何?
What do you think we need to be known on the chinese and taiwanese market? How could you help us? Think we need someone there. 黃先生,您認為我們必須做那些事來讓台灣與中國的鴿友來認識我們.顯然我們須要幫忙,您可以幫我們那些忙.
For example, in Januar we‘ll have x fancier and y fancier,s pigeons for sale. I‘m also a good friend of z fancier and he asked me to sale some youngsters for him in 2008. Our aim is to bring to fanciers of your country what they need. We‘d like to be recognize as a relay between belgian and Asian fanciers. 舉例說,元月份 我們有 x鴿友and y 鴿友的鴿子要賣, z鴿友也請我代賣 2008 年的一些幼鴿.我們的目標是做為比利時與台灣及中國鴿友之間的橋樑.
Let me know how you see it. 請讓我知道您的看法.
The Asian market is changing both in Taiwan and China. 亞洲的台灣與中國市場都在經歷變動.
Up until very recently, the market in China has been fashionable. People buy whatever they heard from others who brings the name to them or to buy pigeon at high price just for showing off to others that they are bold. 直到最近,中國賽鴿市場一直在趕流行,人們道聽塗說,聽了就買,有些則互比誰帶種,敢高價買鴿子.
Along with transformation of the racing environment and hike of entry fee for one loft race or local race for money, they can no longer afford those kind of blind movement. Only those who know pigeon and management well are to survive and can afford to buy more pigeon. 隨著賽制的轉型以及越來越高的參賽費,人們不再經得起盲動,只有那些真正瞭解賽鴿及管理機制的鴿友可以獲勝而繼續買鴿.
In Taiwan, the fake name is even more vulnerable for failure, as racing from the sea forces pigeon to expose themselves to direct impact of any whether, unlike the race from over the land where pigeon can opt to move forward with aids of geography, bulling to minimize impact of wind, rain etc. or even take a rest somewhere midway. With the race from the sea, if pigeon themselves are not strong, smart enough, fish stomach is the final home for them. In most of occasions, there are only few tens of pigeon out of more then 20,000 survived the 7 races series on sudden death basis, ie, racing series may close anytime due to too few pigeon return time from the race to be qualify for next race. 在台灣,徒具虛名更是已經走上末路.海上競翔逼使賽鴿直接面對變化多端的氣候的無可逃避的沖擊,不像陸上競翔賽鴿還可以利用地型地物來規避風,雨或甚至中點休息來返家.參與海上競翔的賽鴿如果不夠強壯,耐翔,魚腹就是他們的最後歸宿.要知道,全船兩萬隻以上的賽鴿只有幾十隻,或數百隻能在艱困的比賽即時返回,參與下一關的比賽 也多有所見,艱難程度可見一般.
In viewing above: 1. One have to breed pigeon meeting the market and racing condition challenge. 2. From our point of view, it has to be done all from beginning of change of mentality,and an efficient selection and breeding program. 3. HLDAS is a system developed to facilitate the above mentioned object. 由上觀之,如果要在台灣與中國市場發展: 1.要能育出不同賽制及比賽環境的賽鴿. 2.從我們的觀點看,一切要從心態改變並從新針對市場進行有效的選種,育種工作. 3.黃氏認證就是用來達成上列目標的工具.
Please raise further question if any in your mind so that we can continue the dialogue and reach a conclusion good for everybody involved, you, me, fanciers. 看完以上,如果您有任何問題請不要客氣提出,希望最後能達成對你,我與鴿友們都有重大好處的結論.