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2012年卓越星国际赛鸽中心比赛规程(中英文版) 上一篇    下一篇
作者:山西震江  来源:原创   阅读:  分类:鸽闻快讯  发布时间:2012-1-10 22:01:53  
千万的投资 只为让您交得放心养得舒心赛得开心
尽心的服务 只为与您共同打造世界一流的公棚赛事
1. 无论集鸽多少,868万奖金全额发放:单鸽冠军30万,团体冠军20万,鸽王冠军8万;
2. 设立5辆“奥迪Q5汽车精英挑战赛”,等您赢取;
3. 设立20辆“法拉利自行车幸运大奖”,只要参赛,即有机会获得;
4. 获奖鸽拍卖,1—500名(冠军起拍价10万元),流拍鸽公棚全部按起拍价拍回……具体详情,请阅读本规程!



1. 凡是承认本规程的国内外信鸽爱好者均可报名参赛。
2. 赛鸽必须是出生25天—50天的健康幼鸽,并且必须佩带一枚国家或地区信鸽组织承认的2012年正式足环,凡所在地区有疫情的,均不接收。
3. 公棚统一为参赛鸽接种疫苗,如果交鸽前鸽主已自行接种过,请在交鸽时予以说明。
4. 鸽友将幼鸽交入公棚后,本规程即为双方合同,即时生效,双方必须遵守合同条款。
5. 无论集鸽多少,本届比赛照常举行,奖金全额发放,集鸽日起,网上每天公布集鸽情况。

1. 本次比赛设第一关、第二关、第三关决赛、团体赛、鸽王赛。
2. 第一关:
3. 第二关:
4. 第三关决赛:
5. 团体赛:凡交8羽参赛鸽为一参赛单位,具备参加团体赛资格,超出8羽的倍数则另算一组,编组为A、B、C....以此类推。以决赛获奖500名内2羽以上羽数多者为胜,如获奖羽数相同,按第一羽获奖鸽名次先后排名。150公里训放后查棚后7日内,参赛鸽友自行确定团体赛参赛鸽足环号码,并传真至本公棚确认(电话编组不予受理),逾期则以电脑自动排序分组为准。一经指定不可更改,即时上网公布。
6. 综合鸽王赛:参赛鸽以三关比赛分速相加,分速高者名次列前,分速相同的参赛鸽,决赛分速高者名次列前。

1. 参赛费用:每羽5000元
2. 参赛办法:鸽主在交鸽时,即可报名参加“汽车精英挑战赛”(本次比赛限收465羽),收鸽结束后,交清本次参赛费用。300公里预赛之前,由鸽主指定参赛足环号码。一经指定,不得更改。
3. 录取办法:报名参加“奥迪Q5汽车精英挑战赛”的鸽主,以第三关决赛成绩为准进行排名,前5名各获奥迪Q5汽车一辆


1. 每羽参赛费人民币2000元,饲养管理费每羽人民币200元:
2. 本届比赛限收7000羽
3. 交鸽时间:2012年3月15日——2012年6月30日
4. 交鸽地点:卓越星国际赛鸽中心
5. 北京及周边地区的鸽友可提前预约上门收鸽,外地鸽友可通过空运、铁路及长途汽车托运至北京,运输前必须提前电话通知本公棚接收,运费自理。
收货人:吕琳政 电话:13501088753
6. 外省市参赛费用可直接存入以下指定帐号,汇款后请将汇款单(注明参赛鸽友姓名、电话)传真至北京卓越星国际赛鸽中心:
中国工商银行账号:622208 0200001356594 马平
中国农业银行账号:622848 0010860148013 马平
联系人:杨金龙 手机:13701308277
7. 境外鸽交纳等值外币。报关费、检疫费、运费自理。
8. 参赛鸽友必须在规定时限内按实际存棚羽数交清个人名下赛鸽的全部参赛费方可参加比赛,如在规定时限内未办理交款手续,则未交费赛鸽视为鸽主自动放弃所有权,本公棚有权作任何处理。

1. 本届比赛将严格执行中国信鸽协会颁发的《信鸽竞翔规则与裁判法》和《信鸽公棚规则》。
2. 各项比赛的裁判员均由北京市石景山区信鸽协会指派,由其负责各场比赛的集鸽、司放、监放和成绩审定。本次比赛使用西安科汇电子扫描记时系统按分速排列名次,若发生故障和其它不可抗拒的因素,按中国信鸽协会的竞赛规定,由本次比赛裁判组做裁决,鸽友可通过互联网或电话查询相关信息。
3. 决赛报到有效期为第一羽赛鸽归巢后至次日晚18时结束,如报到期内归巢鸽获奖名次未满,剩余名次的奖金由参加决赛的上笼鸽均分(不包括获奖鸽)。
4. 集鸽至比赛期间如遇不可抗力导致比赛不能进行,主办单位将按参赛鸽主所交参赛费数目退还鸽主。

1. 第一关录取前50名,前10名各发奖杯一尊
冠军:2万 亚军:1万 季军:5千
2. 第二关录取前50名,前10名各发奖杯一尊
冠军:5万 亚军:3万 季军:1万
3. 第三关录取前500名,前10名各发奖杯一尊
冠军:30万 亚军:20万 季军:10万
4. 团体赛录取前30名,前10名各发奖杯一尊
冠军:20万 亚军:10万 季军:5万
5. 鸽王赛录取前5名,前5名各发奖杯一尊
冠军:8万 亚军:5万 季军:3万

1. 2012年7月15日前,参赛鸽如发生飞失或病亡,本公棚将及时通知参赛鸽友补交;7月15日后,参赛鸽如发生飞失或病亡,按自然淘汰处理,本公棚不负责赔偿;因伤病不能参赛的赛鸽,本公棚通知参赛鸽友领回。
2. 为保证参赛鸽竞技状态,每关比赛前后,参赛鸽均正常家飞,第一关上笼前飞失的参赛鸽,本公棚退还参赛费。

1. 决赛结束后一周,本公棚举行颁奖会和拍卖会,对决赛前500名获奖鸽进行拍卖,拍卖收入60%归鸽主,40%归本公棚,参加拍卖的获奖鸽主须提前准备好血统书。
2. 获奖鸽拍卖,冠军起拍价10万元,亚军起拍价5万元,季军起拍价3万元,4—10名起拍价2万,11—100名起拍价5千元,101名—500名起拍价2千元,流拍鸽本公棚按起拍价全部拍回。
3. 未获奖的归巢鸽鸽主凭参赛卡免费领回,迟归鸽外地托运自理;拍卖会结束后15天内鸽主不来领取,视为放弃,鸽子由本公棚处理。
4. 获奖鸽奖金和拍卖收入所产生的相关税项,由获奖鸽主自理。




Rules For The Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center 2012

Sponsored by: Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center
Supervised by: Beijing City Racing Pigeon Association, Shijingshan District Racing Pigeon Association, China Professional Racing Pigeon Website, Luohanshuo Pigeon

I. Participation Qualifications

1)All domestic and foreign pigeon fans recognizing the Rules can register and participate in the race.
2)All racing pigeons must be healthy ones at an age between 25 days to 45 days. Any racing pigeon must wear an official foot ring of 2012 recognized by a national or regional pigeon organization. Any pigeon from a place having an epidemic situation is not acceptable.
3)All racing pigeons must be vaccinated by our center and if you have vaccinated your pigeon, please note it in delivering the pigeon.
4)After any pigeon fan delivers his or her racing pigeon to our center, the Rules will be construed as a contract between both parties which takes effect instantly and both parties must abide by the terms in the contract.
5)The race will proceed as scheduled and the prize money will all be granted however many pigeons are collected. The information on the total number of collected pigeons will be published on the website from the date of collecting the pigeons.

II. Events, Distances, Venues and Time

1)This race includes the 1st round , the 2nd round, the 3rd round, Team and 3-Round Pigeon King.
2)The 1st round: distance: 200km; release venue: Hebei; time: October 22, 2012.
3)The 2nd round: distance: 300km; release venue: Hebei; time: October 28, 2012.
4)The 3rd round: distance: 500km; release venue: Henan; time: November 9,2012.
5)Team: any owner having 8 racing pigeons as a group contestant is qualified for the team event, and if beyond 8, more groups will be set in accordance with the multiples of 8, and the groups will be numbered as A, B, C,...,the rest can be done in the same manner. The team winner will go to the owner having the most pigeons, more than two, among the top 500 winning pigeons of the 3rd round, and if any two owners winning pigeon numbers are the same, they will be ranked in accordance with the highest rank of their pigeons in the 3rd round. After 150km release for taming, participants should fix the foot ring numbers of the pigeons participating the Team, and inform us by fax. Note that informing us by phone will not be acceptable. If you exceed the time limit, then it will be subject to the automatic grouping of the computer. Changes are unacceptable once specified and all information will be published on the website in time.
6)3-Round Pigeon King: The results of the flight distance per minute of the same racing pigeon in the 1st round , the 2nd round and the 3rd round will be summed up, and the higher the sum is, the higher the rank will be. If any two racing pigeons have the same sum, the higher the score in the 3rd round is, the higher the rank will be.

III. The Audi Q5 Car Elite Challenge

1)Entry Fee: RMB5000 for one pigeon
2)How to participate? Owners can register the Challenge in delivering pigeons. The Challenge will accept no more than 465 pigeons. Please pay the entry fee after pigeons are received. Before the 300km preliminary, owners should specify the foot ring numbers of the pigeons participating the Challenge. Once they are specified, changes are not acceptable.
3)Winner and Prize: Winners will be participants ranked among the top five in the 3rd round and each of them will receive an Audi Q5 car as a prize.

IV. Ferrari Bicycle Prize

To thank for fanciers‘ support of our loft, we have set up the Ferrari Bicycle Prize for 20 lucky fanciers.
On the day of the 300km preliminary, fanciers who participate the race will be grouped for the prize. Fanciers who come to watch the preliminary will be asked for drawing out 20 lucky numbers, and each of the lucky fellows will receive a RMB5000-valued Ferrari highway mountain bicycle as a prize.

V. Registration Formalities

1)Entry fee is RMB 2000 for each; feeding management fee is RMB 200 for each and it must be paid in delivering pigeons.
After150km release for taming, the Shijingshan District Racing Pigeon Association will delegate referees and representatives of fanciers to check lofts and make a list. Participants in the list should pay the RMB2000 entry fee for each pigeon within a week after the loft check.
2)This race will accept no more than 7000 pigeons.
3)Pigeon delivery time: from March 15,2012 to June 30, 2012
4)Pigeon delivery place: the Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center
5)Fanciers of Beijing or surrounding areas can make reservations in advance for delivering pigeons. For long-distance fanciers, you may deliver pigeons by air, railway or bus. Please inform us by phone before transportation, and you should pay for the shipping fee on your own.
Consignee: Lv linzheng Mobile: 13501088753 Fax :010-60344028
6)The entry fee can be remitted to the following designated accounts directly. Please note the racing pigeon owners‘ name and phone number in the remittance warrant after remitting and send it to us by fax.
Opening banks:
Commercial Bank of China Name: Ma Ping A/C No.: 6222 0802 0000 1356 594
Agricultural Bank of China Name: Ma Ping A/C No.: 6228 4800 1086 0148 013
Contact: Jinlong Yang Mobile:13701308277
Tel:010-60344058, 010-60344015 Fax:010-60344028
7)The overseas racing pigeon fanciers should pay equivalent foreign currencies and bear expenses for custom declaration, quarantine and transportation on their own.
8)The racing pigeon owners should pay an entry fee equal to RMB2,000/pigeon within the time limit in accordance with the loft check list, and shall pay off all entry fees for all of his or her racing pigeons to be qualified for the race; if any owner fails to pay the entry fee within the time limit after the loft check, they will be construed as waiver and our center has a right for any kinds of disposal.

VI. Racing Methods

1)This race will strictly follow Rules and Judging Law of Pigeon Racing as well as Rules for Pigeon Loft issued by Chinese Racing Pigeon Association.
2)The judges of each event will be delegated by Shijingshan District Racing Pigeon Association and also will be responsible for pigeon collecting, release command and supervision, result review and pre-race verification of lofts and pigeons of each event. This race adopts the Xi’an Kehui electronic pigeon clocks for timing and the ranks will be subject to the flight distance per minute. If the race cannot go on normally due to failure of the electronic system or other force majeure events, the race s organization committee and judge panel will make a final decision in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by Chinese Racing Pigeon Association. All pigeon fanciers can obtain relevant information through the Internet or inquiry by phone.
3)The registration period of the 3rd round is from the homing of the first racing pigeon to 18:00 of the next day. If the quantity of pigeons returning home is not enough for the admission ranks during the effective check-in period, the prize money will be shared by pigeons entering the cage, but not including winning pigeons.
4)If the race is canceled due to any force majeure events or any conflict with relevant regulations of China during the period from pigeon collecting to the commencement of the race, we will refund the entry fee paid by racing pigeon owners to them in time.

VII. Prize Money Distribution and Admission Ranks (Total prize money of the race is RMB 8,680,000.)

1. The top 50 will be selected in the 1st round and each of the top 10 will be granted a trophy.
Rank Prize Money
The 3rdPlace:RMB5,000
From the 4th to the 50th Places:RMB2,000 for each
(Total: RMB129,000)
2. The top 50 will be selected in the 2nd round and each of the top 10 will be granted a trophy.
Rank Prize Money
The 3rdPlace:RMB10,000
From the 4th to the 50th Places:RMB3,000 for each
(Total: RMB231,000)
3. The top 500 will be selected in the 3rd round and each of the top 10 will be granted a trophy.
Rank Prize Money
The 3rdPlace:RMB100,000
From the 4th to the 10th Places:RMB50,000 for each
From the 11th to the 50th Places:RMB30,000 for each
From the 51st to the 100th Places:RMB20,000 for each
From the 101st to the 500th Places:RMB10,000 for each
(Total: RMB7,150,000)
4. The top 30 will be selected in the Team and each of the top 10 will be granted a trophy.
Rank Prize Money
The 3rdPlace:RMB50,000
From the 4th to the 10th Places:RMB30,000 for each
From the 11th to the 30th Places:RMB20,000 for each
(Total: RMB960,000)
5. The top 5 will be selected in the 3-Round Pigeon King and each will be granted a trophy.
Rank Prize Money
The 3rdPlace:RMB30,000
The 4th and the 5th Places:RMB25,000
(Total: RMB210,000)
Note: To receive prize money, one should provide valid registration cards issued by the Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center as proof.

VIII. Unexpected Losses and Disposal

1)Before July 15,2012,if any racing pigeon is lost or dead, we will inform its owner in time of delivering another again; after that date, if any racing pigeon is lost or dead, it will be construed as a natural elimination and we will not assume any responsibility. For those sick pigeons during the racing period, we will inform their owners to take them back.
2)In order to ensure competitive state participating pigeons, each level before and after the game, participating pigeons were normal training. If any racing pigeon is lost before the 1st round race, we will return the entry fee to its owner.

IX. Methods for Deciding the Ownership of Winning Pigeons and Homing Pigeons

1)Auction time: one week after the 3rd round race, the Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center will auction the top 500 winning pigeons and 60% of the income from the auction will go to the pigeon owners, 40% to the Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center. The owners of winning pigeons participating in the auction shall prepare the certificate of origin in advance.
2)The champion pigeon‘s starting price will be RMB100,000, the runner-up RMB50,000 and the third place RMB30,000, from the 4th to the 10th places, RMB20,000 for each, from the 11th to the 100th places, RMB5,000 for each, from the 101st to the 500th places, RMB2,000 for each. If the above pigeons cannot be auctioned, we will acquire them at their starting price.
3)Other pigeons not participating in the auction will be taken back by their owners freely with registration cards provided. If the owners are not in Beijing ,should pay the freight themselves. If any owner fails to get back his or her pigeon(s) within 15 days after the auction, he or she will be construed as automatic waiver and the pigeon(s) will be disposed by the Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center.
4)The owners of winning pigeons shall be responsible for going through any formalities for taxes incurred by the prize money and the income from the auction of winning pigeons.

X. Miscellaneous

1)All pigeon fanciers are welcome for supervision of pigeon collecting, check before entering, entering the cage and release in the release for taming, the 1st round, the 2nd round and the 3rd round.
2)Before the preliminary, the times of release for taming with a distance between 5km and 200km shall not be less than 10-15; and the details on the release for taming will be published in time on the official website of the Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center.
3)Relevant information on the The Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center 2012 will be published in time on:

XI. The Excellent Star International Racing Pigeon Center has the final right of interpreting the Rules and bears full legal and economic responsibilities in accordance with business-related laws and regulations.

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