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中国信鸽协会简介及章程 上一篇    下一篇
作者:天宝鸽舍  来源:转载   阅读:  分类:收藏文章  发布时间:2009-8-18 9:31:26  
CRPA was founded on Dec, 1984, it’s headquarter is in
Beijing. It is a national public sport organization and the
member of General Administration of Sport of China. There are
referee, news, equipment and research special committees.
Their responsibilities are: organizing games for fancies to
improve level of racing pigeons; organizing international
competitions to help communication; organizing national
competition and training; Drawing up rules for racing pigeon
management, competition and referee grade; organizing racing
pigeon research and experiences communication; naming and
establishing national grade pigeon places etc.


第一节 中国信鸽协会概述

第一条 本会定名为中国信鸽协会,是中华全国体育总会领导下的群众性体育团体.
第二条 本会的宗旨:团结全国信鸽爱好者,促进中国信鸽事业发展和繁荣,努力提高信鸽竞翔水平,培育优良信鸽品种,参加国际信鸽活动友好交往,为建设我国的精神文明和物质文明,为增进各国信鸽爱好者之间的友谊作出贡献.

第二节 业务范围

第三条 中国信鸽协会的任务
一、 宣传信鸽办会的意义,报道信息;
二、 开展信鸽的训练和竞翔,参加有关社会活动;
三、 组织科学研究交流活动,出版刊物;
四、 研究和培养优良品种;
五、 保障会员正当权益;
六、 参加国际有关活动和竞赛.

第三节 会员管理

第四条 凡中国公民承认会章,本人申请,经本会所属地方协会批准者,即为本会会员.
第五条 会员权利
一、 有参加协会举办的各项活动的权利;
二、 有选举权和被选举权;
三、 有建议和批评权;
四、 有申请退会的权利?/DIV>
第六条 会员的义务
一、 遵守协会章程,执行会议决议;
二、 按时缴纳会费;
三、 积极参加协会所委托的工作;
四、 坚持"五讲四美",文明养鸽,遵守国家法令和有关部门的规定.

第四节 组织机构和负责人产生、罢免

第七条 本会按行政区划,建立全国、省、自治区、直辖市、(州、地区)县等各级信鸽协会组织.解放军和火车头体育协会可建立系统性组织(限本系统人员及家属).地方组织的名称为:省(市)信鸽协会,省市(县)信鸽协会.各级协会均受国家体育运动委员会和体育分会的领导,并接受上一级信鸽协会的业务指导.
第八条 各级组织的领导机构为会员代表大会和它产生的委员会.会员代表和委员通过协商选举产生.各级体委和体育分会负责信鸽协会工作的干部为各级协会的当然委员.每届委员任期一年.
第九条 各级委员会全体会议选举产生主席、副主席和秘书长,并由他们组织成常务委员会.各地方组织领导人员名单,应向上一级协会备案.
第十条 常务委员会按照工作需要,设立秘书处、竞翔部、科研部、行政部等机构和其他必要设置的部门.
第十一条 全国会员代表大会每四年举行一次.根据情况可提前或延期举行.地方组织的会员代表大会的会期由各地自定.

第五节 奖惩

第十二条 凡会员在竞翔中取得优异成绩,在信鸽研究中获得优良成果,以及各界人士中热心支持本会工作,给予经济或物质赞助者将分别给予奖励或荣誉称号.
第十三条 凡会员违反本会章程和有关规定者将按情节轻重,分别处以警告、罚款、停止活动、取消会籍等处分.

第六节 经费

第十四条 本会的经费来源
一、 会员会费(得成);
二、 领导部门补助和接受社会捐赠;
三、 其他收入.

第七节 附则

第十五条 中国信鸽协会常务委员会的办事机构设在上海(已迁移北京.笔者注).
第十六条 本章程经全国代表大会(或委员会)通过报中华全国体育总会批准施行.
第十七条 各地方组织根据本章程精神,拟订各地方章程,并报同级体委或体育分会,经上一级信鸽协会批准后施行.
第十八条 本章程的解释权属中国信鸽协会常务委员会.


Chapter I General Introduction of Chinese Racing Pigeon Association

Article 1 The association is named Chinese Racing Pigeon Association, which is a mass sports organization under the lead of All-China Sports Federation (ACSF).
Article 2 The association aims to hold together the homing pigeon lovers across China, promote Chinese homing pigeon industry to develop and prosper, try best to improve the racing level of homing pigeons, foster excellent pigeon species, participate in international friendly communications of homing pigeons, devote to build the spiritual civilization and material civilization of our country and enhance the friendship between homing pigeon lovers from different countries in the world.

Chapter II Scopes of Work

Article 3 The scopes of work of Chinese Racing Pigeon Association are as follows:
1. To propagandize the meaning of pigeon association and provide information reports;
2. To carry out training and flight races for homing pigeons, participate in relative social activities;
3. To organize scientific researches and intercourse activities, publish publications;
4. To research and breed excellent species;
5. To guarantee members’ proper rights and interests;
6. To participate in relative international activities and competitions.

Chapter III Membership Management

Article 4 Chinese citizens who accept the statute and whose applications have been ratified by local associations pertaining to the association are regarded as members.
Article 5 Rights of the Members
1. To take part in all kinds of activities of the Association;
2. To elect or be elected in the Association;
3. To give advice, suggestions and criticism on the work of the Association;
4. To have the right to withdraw from the Association.
Article 6 Duties of the Members
1. To abide by the statute of the Association and carry out the resolutions of the Association;
2. To pay membership dues on time;
3. To take part in the work assigned by the Association actively;
4. To stick to Five Stresses and Four Points of Beauty, raise pigeon in a legal way, abide by national decrees and regulations of relevant departments

Chapter Ⅳ Organizational Structure, Election and Dismissal of Leaders

Article 7 According to administration zone, the Association has racing pigeon organizations across the country, in provinces, autonomous regions,municipalities directly under the central government and counties. The Liberation Army and the Locomotive Sports Association can have their own organizations (limited to their staff and family members). The names of regional associations are province (municipality) racing pigeon association or province municipality racing pigeon association, which are all under the lead of State Physical Culture and Sports Commission and branch Sports Federations, and accept work instructions from higher racing pigeon associations.
Article 8 The leading institution at each level is member congress and the committee elected by it. Member representatives and commissioners are chosen through negotiation and election. Cadre of Sports Commissions at each level and branch Sports Federations who are in charge of racing pigeon associations are the granted commissioners of each level. The term of commissioners is one year.
Article 9 General assembly of commission at each level elect the chairman, vice chairman and secretary general, who organize to make up the standing committee. The name list of each regional organization leaders should be put on records by the higher association.
Article 10 Standing committee set up secretariat, flight race department, scientific research department, administration department and other necessary departments in accordance with work demand.
Article 11 National member congress is convened once every four years, and may be held in advance or postponed if necessary. The time for regional member congress of local organization is determined by each regions.

Chapter V Rewarding and Punishment

Article 12 For members who make outstanding performances in homing pigeon fight races or have good achievements in homing pigeon research, or people who either give zealous support or economic patronage will be awarded rewards or honor titles respectively.
Article 13 Members who violate the statute of the Association and relevant regulations will be given punishments including warning, amercing, terminating activities in the Association and cancellation of membership respectively in accordance with the mistake nature and degree of the circumstances.

Chapter Ⅵ Funds

Article 14 Sources of the Association’s funds
1. Membership fees (part);
2. Financial aid from higher department and social donation;
3. Other incomes.

Chapter Ⅵ Supplementary Provisions

Article 15 Administrative office of Chinese Racing Pigeon Association’s standing committee is located in Shanghai (has moved to Beijing now).
Article 16 The statute shall be adopted after approval in national congress (or commission) and ratification by All-China Sports Federation.
Article 17 Local organizations draw out local statutes in accordance with the points of this statute and submit to Sports Commission or branch Sports Federations. Statutes will be adopted after ratification by higher racing pigeon associations.
Article 18 Interpretation right rests with the standing committee of Chinese Pigeon Association.

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