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大卫.克劳辛 上一篇    下一篇
作者:USA333  来源:转载   阅读:  分类:收藏文章  发布时间:2012-12-28 5:32:07  
  David Clausing Story

作为一个孩子,我的祖父母奶牛场,我很好奇,飞来飞去的野生谷仓鸽子的。 As a child on my grandparents dairy farm, I was intrigued by the wild barn pigeons flying around. 我自己在6岁,第一个鸽子赛鸽。 The first pigeons of my own at six years old, were racing pigeons. 我把它们作为宠物饲养,直到我20年后开始比赛。 I kept them as pets, until I started racing twenty years later.
我有七胜绩年在威斯康星州,在佛罗里达州的四个。 I had seven winless years in Wisconsin, then four more in Florida. 1991年,我得到了我的乌邦应变,赢得了六个十场比赛中,他们的后代在我的赛车在1992年的第一年。 I got my Houben strain in 1991, and won six out of ten races with their offspring in my first year racing them in 1992.
在1993年,我有一个名人堂鸟馆。 In 1993, I had a Hall of Fame bird.
1994年,我有#1我们的第一个全国冠军“安娜·玛丽”(我是谁的名字命名我的妻子安娜)。 In 1994 I had our first #1 National Champion "Anna Marie" (who I named after my wife, Anna).

我在1995年开始进入钱场比赛,并赢得了六个九公棚赛我走进去,和在这一年获得了超过$ 94,000.00。 In 1995 I started entering money races, and won six of the nine one loft races I entered, and won over $94,000.00 in that year.

我被邀请参加在比利时公棚赛于1996年在我的Clausing-Houbens得分始终在顶部,对欧洲最好的比赛。 I was invited to race in the Belgium one loft race in 1996 where my Clausing-Houbens were scoring consistently at the top, against the best in Europe.
1997年,我与胡本家族中的第一个“百万美元赛事的合作伙伴”,在非洲,获得了二等奖。 In 1997 I was partners with the Houben Family in the first "Million Dollar Race", in Africa, and won second prize. 我的$ 100,000.00 50%的份额,是一个伟大的大伟大的乌邦进口大量的回扣。 My 50% share of the $100,000.00 was a great big rebate on lots of great Houben imports.
我有一个ACE鸟“百万美元大赛”系列于1998年。 I had the number one ACE bird of the "Million Dollar Race" series in 1998.
在1999年,2000年和2001年,我继续赢得金钱为主,种族和公棚赛。 In 1999, 2000, and 2001 I continued winning money races, and primarily, one loft races.
在2002年的“百万美元大赛”和$ 75,000.00赢得第三是真是太棒了,因为这是一场艰苦的比赛只有3天禽。 Winning third in the 2002 "Million Dollar Race" and $75,000.00 was so fantastic,as it was such a tough race with only three other day birds. 但是,当然,现在我的鸽子职业生涯的亮点是赢得第一个在2003年的“百万美元赛事”,在世界规模最大,最负盛名的公棚赛。 But, of course, now the highlight of my pigeon career is winning first in the 2003 "Million Dollar Race", the largest and most prestigious one loft race in the world. 这是比赛的世界各地的希望和需要遵循或复制。 This is the race the rest of the world wants to and needs to follow or copy.
在1992年,我买了超过30进口90于1994年,多年来共进口了超过250个鸟类。 I had bought over 30 imports in 1992, and over 90 in 1994, having imported a total of over 250 birds over the years.
我扩大了我的小群超过2000只,1994至1998年。 I had enlarged my small flock to keeping over 2,000 birds from 1994 to 1998. 但是,我已经把我的数字在每年的一半,在过去的几年中,保持共约100只。 But, I have cut my numbers in half each year for the past several years, keeping about 100 birds total now.
我养50〜60只母鸡,约20个鸡饲养在公牛系统。 I breed from 50 to 60 hens and about 20 cocks bred on the bull system. 我用的养父母生产出关我鸟。 I use foster parents to get the most production out of my birds.
我的“百万美元大赛”2002年三等奖获得者是我最好的饲养员“达纳”(我的大儿子的名字命名的)的儿子,和2003年第一获奖者是从“达娜”的女儿。 My "Million Dollar Race" 2002 third prize winner is from a son of my best breeder "Dana" (named after my oldest son), and 2003 first prize winner is from a daughter of "Dana".
关闭的三个儿子和一个女儿,“达纳”儿童在过去13个月,我已经赢得了$ 295,000.00。 I have won over $295,000.00 in the past 13 months from children off of three sons and one daughter of "Dana".

我从三次尽可能多的儿童在2003年的“达纳”繁殖。 I am breeding from three times as many children of "Dana" in 2003. 搜寻结果已示为未来的方向。 The results have shown the direction for the future.
公棚赛是优越的遗传学试验,证明是在表演。 One loft races are tests for superior genetics, the proof is in the performances.
游戏我的钱种族的鸽子一直是我最愉快和最有利可图的爱好和工作相结合。 Playing with my pigeons in the money races has been my most enjoyable and profitable hobby and job combined.
我是很幸运的得到一些超级育种家,和熟练的形成我最成功和最一致的家庭在他们周围。 I was very lucky to get some very super breeders, and skillful to form my most successful and consistent family around them.

真诚的, Sincerely,
大卫Clausing David Clausing


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