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荷蘭派特.米衛贏得6月20日布洛瓦全國分區12.147羽冠軍 上一篇    下一篇
作者:南昌品翔鸽业  来源:转载   阅读:  分类:收藏文章  发布时间:2009-8-18 16:14:02  

荷蘭派特.米衛(Peter van de Merwe)贏得6月20日布洛瓦全國分區12.147羽冠軍!

派特.米衛現年36歲,早期先是跟著叔伯彼德.米衛養鴿子,後取得同路鴿種獨立成軍, 近幾年融入考夫曼,夏拉肯和佛布利父子血系, 成績已是青出於藍。派特尚有正職,上班時間都靠父親亞里(Arie)幫忙照顧鴿子。

Peter basketted 60 pigeons for this race from Blois, distance for Peter 528,600 kilometres.
He expected the pigeons, which had been liberated at 07h30, to arrive home between 14h00 and 14h30.
At around 14h25 two pigeons arrived together from the right direction: one was from Peter and the other was from his uncle Piet, who lives next door. Peter clocked his “Miss Lucky” NL08-1545338 at 14h24.58. His uncle Piet clocked his pigeon at 14h24.57. In the reporting lists uncle Piet stood in first place.

When the clocks were opened, it turned out that the clock from Peter was 1 second late. After being corrected, his clocking time was also 14h24.57. Seeing that the distance for uncle Piet is 528,588 kilometres, Peter was then the winner of this race.
Peter achieved the following impressive series in this race against 12.147 pigeons: 1,5,33,39,48,49,57,61,62,85,95 etc...
Nationally Peter had 45 of the 60 pigeons in the prizes!

幸運小姐(Miss Lucky) NL08-1545338 淺斑雌  已有7次幼鴿賽紀錄

父:  皮克(Pikeur)  NL06-1073335 阿碧斯40268羽冠軍 50%考夫曼,祖父噴火機(Fire Starter)已於2008年9月山格斯/考夫曼拍賣會售往中國

母: 文姬(Gwen)  NL01-5149744 2001NPO全國幼鴿王1位 超級種雌 超級配對(608吐尼爾黑雄x娜薇塔Navita)直女  代表直子女妙女郎(Wonder Girl)等多羽

“Pikeur’s” parents are “Replay” NL04-2057095 (sort G. & C. Koopman via Marcel Sangers) and “Pretty Woman” NL00-2004151 (Comb. B EN W).
“Gwen’s” parents are “De 608 Tournier” and “Navita” (sort Louis van Loon).
The ancestors of “Miss Lucky” also knew what winning was:
• 1st provincial Ablis  against 40.268 pigeons
• 20th Duffel   against 2.817 pigeons
• 20th Duffel   against 2.382 pigeons
• 27th Peronne  against 1.321 pigeons
• 32nd Morlincourt  against 1.603 pigeons
• 34th Menen   against 5.700 pigeons
• 81st Duffel   against 6.123 pigeons
His sister Nathalie won 1st national Chantilly against 30.074 pigeons.
• 1st national pigeon champion NPO
• 1st Peronne   against 9.548 pigeons
• 15th national Ablis  against 21.009 pigeons
• 4th Etampes   against 1.656 pigeons
• 9th Ace pigeon youngsters WHZB
A super breeder:
• father 1st national NPO Chantilly  against  30.074 pigeons
• 1st provincial Ablis    against  40.268 pigeons
• 2nd Ablis     against 4.568 pigeons
• 4th Peronne     against 44.240 pigeons
“Pretty Woman”
Mother of:
• 1st Hensies    against 3.130 pigeons
• 1st national Chantilly  against 30.074 pigeons
• 1st provincial Ablis   against 40.268 pigeons
• 1st Rethel    against 2.463 pigeons
• 4th national Troyes   against 9.981 pigeons
• 7th national Chateauroux  against 12.074 pigeons
• 1st pigeon champion in 2002
“The 608 Tournier”
Father of:
• 1st national ace pigeon youngsters NPO 2001
• 1st Peronne    against 9.548 pigeons
• 1st national Ruffec   against 6.151 pigeons
• 5th national La Ferte  against 6.720 pigeons
• 1st Peronne    against 6.424 pigeons
• 1st Duffel    against 9.061 pigeons
• 2nd Pt. St. Maxence  against 2.828 pigeons
• 13rd Roye    against 10.520 pigeons
Mother of:
• 1st national  ace pigeon 2001
• 1st Ablis    against 2.443 pigeons
• 1st Chantilly    against 2.890 pigeons
• 7th Peronne    against 4.069 pigeons
• 1st Peronne    against 6.424 pigeons
• 2nd Pt. St. Maxence  against 2.828 pigeons

幸運小姐(Miss Lucky)血統表:

The system
The pigeons are raced in total widowhood, whereby the hens are shown before basketting. The showing lasts for half an hour to three quarters of an hour.
The pigeons for the 1-day long distance races raced all the sprint and middle distance races as preparation. In-between two 1-day long distance races the pigeons also have a middle distance race.
Peter coupled his pigeons at the beginning of March. They brooded on artificial eggs for about 25 days. Peter does this in order to delay the moulting and so that he doesn’t have to get rid of any young birds.
He feeds the pigeons by instinct. He gives them the mixture from Versele Laga: at the beginning of the week Gerry Plus and then racing mixture Champion.
In addition to this feed the pigeons are given the usual by-products (a.o. Teurlings) and also nibbling seeds.
Peter has tried to give his pigeons peanuts, but they won’t eat them so he doesn’t try anymore.

Medical guidance
The pigeons are given a Paratyphus cure in the autumn. A cure for tricho is only given when necessary. This season they have just had a cure against tricho from BelgaMagix.
In addition they are preventively treated every three weeks against tricho with medicine from the veterinary surgeon Vincent Schroeder.

Good results from season 2009
Strombeek   against 4.890 pigeons 3, 4, 7,14,70 etc.
Strombeek  against 2.092 pigeons 3, 9, 10, 11,27, 29, 31,               32, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 52, etc.
Peronne  against 5.522 pigeons 5, 6, 34, 35, 54, 56, etc.
Orleans against   2.900 pigeons  3, 6, 12, 15, 29, 36, 37, 38, 40, 46, 52, 72, 73, 80, 82, 88, etc.
St. Quentin against 1.149 pigeons 1, 5, 10, 23, 26, 29, 36, 40, 41, 42, 51, 55,  etc.
Chalon and Champagne against 3.467 pigeons 3, 10, 14, 30, 31, 34, 41, 66, etc.
Orleans  against 1.631 pigeons 2, 11, 17, 23, 44, etc.
       7th national
Strombeek  against 2.259 pigeons 4, 7, 16, 27, 66, 103,etc.
Blois against 1.731 pigeons 1, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 190, 21, 22, 29, 32, 35, 37, 39, 41, etc.

Peter, on behalf of all the workers and readers of PiPa, warm felt congratulations on this magnificent performance from Blois, but also on the other excellent results.


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