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比利时罗森.波斯(Pros Rossen) 一生冠军强豪风范 (第一集) 上一篇    下一篇
作者:PiPa赛鸽  来源:转载   阅读:  分类:鸽闻快讯  发布时间:2011-1-3 21:11:49  
如何成为冠军强豪? 如何攀抵颠峰? 这无疑是许多鸽友心中的疑问!



这是罗森.波斯在刚刚步入鸽界就提出的问题。有一点是肯定的,罗森要么不做要做就做到好!作为一位成功的商人,罗森深知成功不会从天而降!抱有雄心壮志同时意味着“不计回报的付出”、“专业知识坐镇”加之“全心全意地工作”,3点缺一不可!成功对于某些人来说来说遥不可及、、对其他人来说像是小菜一碟、更是有人仿佛有点金之手。如果您听了罗森.波斯的故事,您会发觉他就是一位有点金之手的人- 一位成功的商人和一位鸽界冠军豪强!






这些鸽都是战场上的勇将,也是创建鸽队的功臣。没有显赫血统的鸽别想在罗森鸽舍中出现。罗森向来不以数量取胜每次大赛只上笼2至4羽猛将!赛季末最多时有10多羽老赛手(有时6至8羽)能通过汰选。汰选后的战队有经过挑选后的幼鸽增援,意在第二年作为一岁鸽为鸽舍争光。罗森汰选的严酷是出了名的,只有这样才能保证鸽队的品质。每每有慈善拍卖会或是赛鸽捐赠场合,只要有求,罗森就必应。有时每年能捐赠出逾100多羽。鸽友们纷纷涌至罗森家,挑选心仪的鸽子。为了满足“供应”罗森还作育夏生鸽和晚生鸽。“327号”、“国家号”等也都是晚生鸽!最主要的是看到自己的鸽子能为其他鸽友们带去欢乐,带去胜利。一连串的反馈信息证明了罗森.波斯鸽的品质。罗森说:“很多鸽友们求购顶级鸽的后代是可以理解的。如果种鸽们在其他鸽友那不能作出好后代,那么他们也不会在我这立足。”当然罗森是不会让这种情况发生的,这也是罗森在鸽坛立于不败之地的秘诀。罗森从未停下前进的脚步,当年的“327号”掀起鸽坛一阵旋风,罗森马上赶往乔斯.桑杰士(Jos Soontjens)鸽舍,购入约250羽,每羽都经过测试,于是黄金蛋诞生了:“电脑1号”和“电脑2号”。“327号”系使得罗森.波斯跻身速度赛和小中距离豪强,没有人是罗森的对手,也为此罗森失去很多朋友,罗森毅然决然地决定进军全省和全国大中距离赛。于是新外援加盟,超级种公“查特路号”购于罗曼.邵德茨(Roman Schodts)拍卖会,与罗森老系杂配的子代锋芒毕露。“闪电号”和“泰山”就是最好的例证!后来:“超级福雷迪”(购于2003年帝卢-速霸龙全舍拍卖会)的加入为罗森建立起“福雷迪”王朝,他的第一羽直子“灰王子”闪耀在全国赛场上。全球鸽友们纷纷求购“超级福雷迪”子代。到这里我们为鸽友们简要地介绍了罗森.波斯鸽队的构成,也是鸽队过去40年来称霸鸽坛的动力!


-1° Nat Ace pigeon Middle distance KBDB 2005 by Thibaut-Boons, Sombrette (mother is 100% Pros Roosen)
- 1° Nat Ace pigeon Middle distance KBDB 1994 by Jaak Koninckx, Zonhoven (father is 100% Pros Roosen)
- Iwata: was during 5 years no less than 3 x General National Champion from Japan. His colony is based mainly on the Computer-Soontjes line Pros Roosen.
- Rik Custers, Meeuwen: The "Super 36 Pros" raced 10 pure 1° Prizes (without doubles and is a 100% Computer-Soontjens line Pros Roosen
- Dr Eckart Pestner (G) won with a 100% Pros Roosen-pigeon within 4 weeks: 1° from 9.272 p, 1° from 7.732 p, 2° from 6.118 p. Pedigree: Computer line (Soontjes).
- Udo Heyer (G) won with "Charlienne" in 1 year 11 x within the first 19 from an average of 1.500 p. (with 984 ace points). She was the ‘best German Ace pigeon‘ between 1975 and 1991 and had 25% Roosen-blood in the veins: ‘Supercrack 327-line‘!
- Jos Thoné won the 1° Ace pigeon Centre & East Belgium 2007, mother is a 100% Pros Roosen via the Supercrack 327 + Computer.
- Guido Rego, Spalbeek won 1° One Loft race China 2007 with a descendant out the "Chateauroux-line"!
- Guisson-Van Brabant, Kuringen won 1° Prov Ace pigeon Middle distance KBDB with a 50% P.Roosen.
- Jean Kuyks, Kozen won 1° Prov Beziers with a 50% P.Roosen.
- Armand Schoolmeesters, Spalbeek won 1° Nat Argenton against 22.000 pigeons with a 50% P.Roosen.
- Van Looy-Somers was 1° Nat Champion KBDB Young Pigeons. Their 2° nominated was a 50% P.Roosen.
- Guido Nickmans, Kermt was 3° Nat Ace pigeon Middle distance KBDB, 4° Ace pigeon W.K. Versele Laga with a 100% P.Roosen, line Super cack 327.
- Louis Craps, Diegem was 3° Nat Bourges 9.091 p. with a 50% P.Roosen.
- Herbots Gebr, Halle Booienhoven bred out the line of the "Sister Supercrack 327" no less than 14 National and International winners.
- Hermans-Hoekstra, (NL) won with their "Fenomeentje" the 1° Nat Ace pigeon Netherlands. Here was also a trace of the ‘Supercrack 327‘-line.
- Jan Jamnik (G) won the 1° Internat Marseille who has on both mother and father‘s side P.Roosen pedigree (via Gebr.Herbots)
- Josy Rouffa, Membruggen won 1° + 2° Prov Limoges and 7° + 8° Nat Limoges 17.469 p. with pigeons wherein the line Supercrack 327 P.Roosen sat.
- R.Tonski (G) won 1° + 2° + 3° from 25.822 p. with P.Roosen pigeons!
- Jacky Vonckers, Winterslag was ‘Car winner‘ with the 1° Prov Orleans 28.750 p with 100% P.Roosen (Soontjes-Computer line).
- Ludo Mortelmans, Zepperen won 1° Semi-Nat Montlucon 6.890 p. with 50% Primus Interpares-line P.Roosen.
- Appelmans-From Brabant, Alken wins 1° Prov St.Witz 4.356 p. (50% P.Roosen).
- Geert & Clara Philips, Grembergen win 1° Nat Bourges 14.773 p. with a strip Supercrack 327-line in the pedigree!
- Leon Jacobs, Tremalo wins 1° Semi-Nat Chateauroux 14.138 p. with also a touch of Computer-Soontjes mixed in.
- Jaak Koninckx, Zonhoven wins 1° Prov Bourges 5.646 p. with 50% Computer-Soontjes P.Roosen.
- Cyrille Cams, Spalbeek wins 6° Nat Barcelona 11.802 p ‘06 and 287° Nat Barcelona 12.245 p ‘04 with the blood of the ‘Primus Interpares‘-line.
- Pedro Lopes, Portugal wins 1° Prov 4.015 p, and 1° Prov 4.989 p with 75% Soontjes blood P.Roosen.
- H & H. Verschueren, Zingem win with their "Pros" the 1° Nat. Argenton, who is a direct Pros Roosen pigeon!
- Mark Bollen, St.Lambrechts Herk, his "F 16" raced 17 x 1° Prizes (without doubles) with a 100% P.Roosen, Computer line!
- Geert Schepers, Zolder wins 1° Nat Bourges 12.766 Yearlings and fastest from 55.386 pigeons with a 50% P.Roosen (Computer-Soontjes).
- Theo Corthouts, Tessenderlo wins 1° Nat Limoges 10.291 p + 2° Semi-Nat Argenton 8.095 p with the same pigeon that is 50% Supercrack 327-line!
- Hugo Vlaeminck, Rupelmonde won with a "Kleinzoon Hond" 35 prizes from 36 baskettings and this pigeon classified 3 years in a row as respectively 1°, 2°, 1° Ace pigeon! Also here 50% Computer line P.Roosen!
- Jos Deno, Leefdaal won 1° Prov Limoges 1.253 p with 25% P.Roosen Computer line!
- Albert Willems, Eisden wins 1° Semi-Nat Jarnac 6.856 p. with 25% Primus Interpares-line!
- Robert Vernyns, Kermt wins 1° Prov Orleans 2.588 p, 1° Prov Orleans 2.827 p and 2° Prov Ace pigeon Middle distance KBDB with 50% Computer P.Roosen!
- N& E.Didden, Neeroeteren won 7° Nat 11.278 p and 38° Nat 23.078 p (with the same pigeon), with 50% "Chateauroux"-line!
- Geladi Rene, Stokrooie wins 1° Prov Orleans 4.011 p. and is fastest from about 19.000 p. (line Supercrack 327).
- Hugo Bogaerts, Kuringen achieved 1° Prov Dax 498 p, and 2° Prov Perpignan 1.063 p. (mother 100% Fabiola P.Roosen).
- Jean Brabant, Kuringen won 1° Prov Chateauroux 1.877 p with a 100% Soontjes-Computer P.Roosen.
- K.H. Schneider (G) wins 1° Nat. Barcelona 3.579 p and 8° Internat 24.947 p (line Supercrack 327).
- Fresson-Appeltans, Cors op Leeuw win 1° Prov Orleans 15.000 p. + Car winner (50% P.Roosen).
- Mantels & Zn, Lummen win 1° Prov Ace pigeon Middle distance KBDB with 50% P.Roosen (Computer-Soontjes).
- Guido Rego, Spalbeek won with his super pigeon "Gentleman" the 3° Chateauroux 9.432 p, 3° Vierzon 2.605 p, and 28° Montlucon 7.381 p… also here is once again the "Computer-Soontjes"-line at the basis
-Johan van Boxmeer (NL) has with his ‘515-hen’ Pros Roosen  an excellent breeding hen in the lofts!
-Dany Senden obtained 2 eggs out the ‘Blauwe Prins’ whereout the following toppers were bred:
The 033/08: 1° Argenton 336 p., 8° Prov 2.081 p., 47° Nat Zone C 7.422 p.; 231° Nat La Souterraine 21.258 p., 225° Nat Zone C Gueret 3.926 p. etc…
The 034/08: 44° Prov Argenton 2.081 p., 278° Nat La Souterraine Zone C 5.681 p., 1468° Nat Gueret 14.784 p., 19° Melun 375 p., 18° Melun 224 p. etc…
The 014/07: 27° Prov Gien 3.131 p., 57° Prov Gien 2.028 p., 68° Prov Chateauroux 3.130 p., 181° Nat Argenton 6.177 p., 111° Prov Montluçon 2.028 d… etc.
-Brand new 1° Nat Ace pigeon ‘Grand Middle Distance’ KBDB winner in 2010, Pierre Mathijs from Hamont-Achel has with his B03-5115498, direct Pros (out ‘Magic Star Junior 419/97’ x ‘Daughter National Bourges 274/02’) a super hen in the lofts… she is mother of the ‘Ace pigeon 292/06’: 4°Ace pigeon Limburg Fondclub 2009 (1° Chateauroux 127 p., 93° Semi-Nat Montluçon 7.302 p. ‘08, 1° Chateauroux 158 p., 4° Reims 460 p., 94° Semi-Nat Montluçon 7.516 p. ’09, 263° Nat Argenton 9.901 p. ’09 etc…)… he is also brother of the ‘1° Ace pigeon Sprint 2009’ by G.Fransen from Ophoven!
-PiPa Elite Center, Knesselare and Gebr Freddy & Jacques Vandenheede from Zingem achieved the 15° Prov Ace pigeon Middle Distance KBDB 2010, with a top pigeon which, a.o. won 4° Prov Blois and 15° Nat Bourges youngsters in 2010… with a ‘granddaughter’ of ‘Super breeder Freddy’… bred out a direct ‘Son Freddy’ originating from Kermt!
-Leon Jacobs from Tremelo discovered a new ‘top breeding couple’  wherefrom the cock descends from a ‘Daughter Freddy’ obtained from Pros Roosen… this cock is a.o. father of the 5° Prov Blois 1.840 p., 14° Prov Issoudun 1.817 p., 15° Prov Blois 1.045 p., 17° Nat Zone La Souterraine 4.459 p., 24° Prov Issoudun 1.817 p., 38° Prov Chateauroux 1.740 p., 49° Nat Argenton 10.549 p., 70° Intprov Vierzon 8.869 p., 89° Prov Bourges 3.123 p., 94° S-Nat Chateauroux 10.719 p. etc…
-Jos Thoné, the wonder boy from As has with his ‘Pro Freddy’ (a direct son of ‘Super breeder Freddy’) a golden ‘top breeder’ in the lofts… which came from joint breeding with Pros !

Unbelievable! And this is only a brief summary of the highlights out this ‘bible’ of top references! Who, where ever in the world can produce such an unrivalled list, so as ‘world citizen’ Pros Roosen! You’ll have to search far and wide 

Martin Martens/译:刘楠 (Nan Liu) - 02/01/2011

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